Social Media Influences

Technology is a very important influencer to my baking career. If I wasn’t able to watch different videos and see different peoples creations it would have been much harder for me to lean more technical skills you need to know when baking. If it was not for people like Rosanna Pansino, Tessa Huff, Joy Wilson and Elise Strachan, I would not be where I am today with my love of baking. Those bakers are all on different kinds of platforms and are Icons to me. Some of them are T.V. bakers, some are on Youtube and some are just all over the place with their different unique and awesome creations.

Rosanna Pansino is a Youtube baker who has a channel called “Nerdy Nummies.” Like the title implies she is “Nerdy.” Her creations are usually based off of video games, popular television shows and cartoons. They range anywhere from the foods the characters eat to even making the character out of some kind of pastry. Here is an example of cupcakes she made that are my little pony.

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© Rosanna Pansino

Tessa Huff is much more simplistic when it comes to her baking style. She often leaves the sides of her cake naked, leaving the actual cake revealed instead of being covered by icing. All of her cakes are absolutely gorgeous and are definitely up to magazine standards. She has a wonderful cook book called “Layered” showing off some of her amazing works and how to do it yourself. Here is an example of some over her beautiful cakes.

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© Tessa Huff

Joy Wilson is another baker that I am very fond of. Her style is definitely much different than some of the other bakers I have came across. The creations of hers are more ‘home’ style. They are beautiful but more simple and manageable for people to accomplish if they don’t have a lot of skills or are just starting out. She is very relatable in the sayings she often puts on your cakes. This picture is a prime example of her relatable sayings.

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© Joy Wilson

Finally, The last important influence to me is Elise Strachan. She runs a youtube channel called “My Cupcake Addiction.” In comparison to the others she primarily just makes tutorials on how to do things. Her videos taught me a lot of tips on how to properly do different icing tips. She is always upbeat and exciting and showing awesome ideas and beautiful work. One of my personal favorites is a cake were there are bears having a picnic.

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© Elise Strachan

School Project

In my American Government class, we were asked to find a solution to my city being so distant from each other. My group decided that in order to make all people feel accepted and welcome we would create a website for the city, but one where the people could interact and help each other and even ask questions to the people in charge of the city. We even added a recipe swap page, were all ethnicities could share their favorite recipes so that everyone could feel together. We were asked to have a 3D visual art piece to help show this, so my group members and I made a three-tiered cake. It was my first time working with fondant on a large level and we were all super proud of how the cake came out. The bottom layer was made of a bunch of different flags from different countries. On the middle layer, we had shadows of people holding hands to show that we are all together, united. On the top layer, we made a ball of rice crispy treats and covered it in fondant to make it look like a globe. The inside of the cake was red to show that we all bleed the same color.

(c) Holleyalie02

My Biggest Inspiration

I have mentioned before that my grandma has been a huge influence in my baking, but when it comes to more logistical aspects of baking (like icing and fondant etc.), Youtuber, Rosanna Pansino has taught and helped me a lot. She has a channel called nerdy nummies where she not only shows you how to do different things but she specializes in making characters and objects from different movies, books and television shows. My personal favorite of hers are the little chicks she make out of lemon crinkle cookies.

(This photo was taken by Rosanna Pansino)

I have attempted to make many of the recipes she has on her channel, as well as bought myself both of her cookbooks. She is funny and goofy as well as a wonderful baker and I look up to her a lot. I hope that one day I can be as successful as she is.

My Passion

Ever since I was very young I have always loved baking. My grandma has always been very gifted in the taste element of baking. As I was growing up I would spend just about every weekend with her and we would bake something. We were never afraid of messing up because we could always change it and try again. Now that I am older I have kept going with making my own recipes and trying new things. I bake any free time I have. One  of my favorite recipes that I have made myself is my Lemon cookies. I love lemon flavored treats so I took some time out of my day to come up with a recipe on how to make them. I was so proud of the result, that I had a little photo shoot with the cookies when I was done.
